Thursday, February 4, 2010


Whelp, that didn't last long.  Only twelve hours into treatment and I already broke a bracket.  I was just sitting there in bed, discussing the day with my husband, when out of nowhere *ping*.  The bracket on my top left central incisor just shot right off.  I had heard that could happen if I was to partake in some of the no-no foods like caramel or popcorn, but I hadn't eaten anything but fried rice and soup all day.  If those foods were too hard, this is going to be a long two years!

That happened last night and when I called my ortho's office this morning, they were able to get my right in to replace the bracket.  Unlike yesterday, though, my mouth is in some definate pain today.  The bracket was still attached to the wire so it had to be removed, and the neighboring bracket also had to be freed to make some room to work.  All of this involved a great deal of tugging and pulling on my already screaming front teeth.  My orthodontist was so sweet, though, and kept repeating, "I know this must really hurt.  I'm so sorry.  I'm so sorry."  The technician was also very quick to point out that this wasn't my fault and there had just been a lot of pressure on that specific bracket.  To help relieve some of the pressure, she reused the same ligature since it was now a little stretched out and she also placed it around only three of the tie wings instead of all four.  I have to say, I was quite impressed with how quickly they were able to see me as well as how sympathetic the doctor was to my pain and that the technician took the time to explain to me the changes they would be taking to help keep the same problem from recurring.  Kudos!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Justina,

    Congratulations on starting your new blog. I am sure it will be an exciting journey for all those who come across your blog. We all know braces can be a hassle but the pain and discomfort is all worth it in the end. The pain will fade away soon enough... until you get it tightened! I am sure your blog will help others to see that the treatment isn’t so bad though...

    I was wondering if you would consider providing a link to the on your blog, which would give you and your users access to info not only about braces but a host of dental treatment.

    The Cosmetic Dentistry Guide is the leading provider of cosmetic dental information online in the UK and the most visited in the world, and includes a forum as well as an expert answers section, so if you have any questions then feel free!

    Teeth Whitening -
    Orthodontics -

    Our homepage is:

    I look forward to seeing how your journey with braces unfolds.

